Back in December we had a "paint party" to try to get things done in time to move in. We had a ton of help for our big paint party, unfortunately I didn't bring out my camera until late, and most people had gone home after working all day for us. We had over 35 people come spend time helping us out. It was awesome!!!! Most of the rooms were finished, all but some details. It was amazing to see how many people took time to come work with us. The whole house renovation process has been one that made me very grateful for my blessings. I am so thankful to be here close to family, and amongst so many kind people. Things still need work at our house, but day by day we are getting closer to the appearance of a finished product. We are years away from actually being done. I'm hoping to get some good after shots up soon. But to do that I would have to CLEAN!!!! Now that the weather is starting to get nicer we are going to have to start working on the yard.... that is almost scarier than the house was.
Friday, March 16, 2012
All the Wonderful Help!!!
Back in December we had a "paint party" to try to get things done in time to move in. We had a ton of help for our big paint party, unfortunately I didn't bring out my camera until late, and most people had gone home after working all day for us. We had over 35 people come spend time helping us out. It was awesome!!!! Most of the rooms were finished, all but some details. It was amazing to see how many people took time to come work with us. The whole house renovation process has been one that made me very grateful for my blessings. I am so thankful to be here close to family, and amongst so many kind people. Things still need work at our house, but day by day we are getting closer to the appearance of a finished product. We are years away from actually being done. I'm hoping to get some good after shots up soon. But to do that I would have to CLEAN!!!! Now that the weather is starting to get nicer we are going to have to start working on the yard.... that is almost scarier than the house was.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Finding the Happy

So we moved into our wonderful new house the day before Christmas, and continued to move in for a week or two. New year's eve we had Rick's family over for the holidays and decided that would be a great time for all of the kids to get sick. We had two kids quarantined in the master bathroom for a day or two, while Eli got sick in the front room on the new couch and carpet, Abe on the other couch in the family room, and Hyrum got sick in Danja's bed on her new comforter. It was quite amazing. Needless to say, we scared off our house guests. I don't blame them one bit. It was a great couple of weeks!
After everyone healthy-ed up we tried to get back to a somewhat normal routine. We fixed the heater in the house so we didn't freeze every day. We were running out of firewood at a rapid rate. JD Beck (my friend's dad) came over again and helped us out by redoing the stairs for us. He had already put the kitchen in for us. So things keep getting done little by little when we have the money for it.
It is a little stressful, and I have been a little ornery. I vented recently to my sis-in-law about all kinds of stuff that was bothering me, and realized later that most of what was making me feel so crusty was my own fault. I needed to "Happy up". So I have started to try harder to see the good and fun things that my family does, instead of the obvious annoying things. So right now I am a happy person in training.
We have an ipod dock in the kitchen now, so we can boogy all over the house. It makes a big difference in our house. Amazing what a little bit of music can do! There is still a point of sensory overload, when we need things to quiet down and kick kids outside. Luckily the weather has been nice enough for that. I love dancing with my kiddos!
The kids are all getting so big, and more and more fun each day. Till is 3 1/2 months old now. he is really good at smiling, and is starting to laugh a little when he gets tickled. Rick wanted me to cut his hair, it was sad to me, but he sure looks handsome now. I put up some pictures of Till before and after his haircut. The other one is of him in a "cocoon" that one of Rick's player's moms made for him. So cute, I loved it!
Hy is a handful, a handful of that gooey slime stuff. It is really interesting and fun to play with, but then when you want to put it down you can't. Hy is what Rick calls an attention hog. He gets right up in your face and smiles really big and asks for you to play or do something fun for him. It is near impossible to say "no". All of our kids have spent time during their lives sleeping on the floor in our room. They want to be close to us, but we want to be able to sleep, so they aren't allowed in our bed, but the floor is ok. Eventually they move back to a bed because the floor isn't very comfortable. Hyrum is the first kid we have had to kick out early. He talked our ears off! By the time he went to sleep, Rick was asleep too. I didn't get my chance to talk him to sleep like I usually do. So part of finding my happy side again was to kick Hy out of my room so I could talk to Rick again.
Abe is my mighty little man. He is a pretty soft spoken little guy that needs and craves more attention than he gets. We are working to get him the time he needs. He is a great little reader, and really gets after it in sports. He finally lost some teeth, and is feeling quite big now that the tooth fairy has also come to visit him.
Radi and Eli get squished into one person a lot. Not only do they look alike, they do the same sports, have the same teacher, same daily schedule, read the same books and wear the same clothes. So sometimes it is hard to separate them in my mind as to their personal needs and wants. It is something I'm trying harder to focus on lately.
Danja is getting tall and beautiful. She is a great helper, and an amazing helper when she wants to be. She has been paying a little more attention lately to how she looks, and she is sure a cute one. With minimal help from mom, she sure does a good job.
Ricky is 5'7" now. I can feel a big growth spurt coming on this next year. He is a nice boy and has grown up a lot in the past couple of months. He still does stuff that makes Rick and I shake our heads (or scream), but he is figuring it all out slowly.
Rick is extremely busy. But lately he has made every effort to help out when I need it. It has been wonderful. I'm probably not showing enough appreciation to equal the effort he is putting in. I'm so happy that I married a guy that is willing to change when it is needed, and work towards the goal of raising these kids to be as amazing as possible with me.
As for me, I'm plugging away at the house. I've tried to do something off the check list every day. Today's check is to earn some more money towards finishing the kids bedrooms. So this week I get to substitute teach at the Jr. High.
49 days of school left til summer break. The weather is great. I'm excited to get out with my kids and start having more adventures with them. That is the plan atleast. I've got to go. Class is starting.
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