Sunday, July 13, 2014

Bone Marrow Transplant matching

So a couple of weeks ago we went to the clinic with all of the kiddos to get them tested to see if they would be a match in case Ricky might need a bone marrow transplant.  7 kids getting blood drawn was not the most exciting event I could have come up with, but it was on the to do list, so we got it done.  I personally hate getting my blood drawn.... THE WORST part of pregnancy for me.  It makes me feel sick.  And being the amazingly kind and sensitive person that I am..... ;) I was feeling horrible for the kids.  Yeah..... no I wasn't.  I was bummed for the littles cuz they don't get it.  But for the bigs we made a game out of it.  Whoever was the toughest got to get a KONG CONE from Macey's.  Eli went first....He closed his eyes for a second, and they jumped on him! "Ha! you closed your eyes!!!!" I could tell this was gonna be a tough competition, that I wouldn't have been able to win.  Hy was next, but he panicked and needed to have a break and go say a prayer outside with Grandpa before he was brave enough.  So instead I let the littles go next they both cried of course, but got over it quickly.  And Nana kept them busy while the last 3 kids went.

Abe was next in line, and he was thinking he would win, but had to look away a little.  Radi went next and while he was getting set up I took a look over at Abe who had turned 4 shades of green!  "Dude! Are you ok?" I said and kinda giggled because I know the feeling and that is how I share empathy.  A helper lady ran and hooked him up with juice and cookies.  Dude was living large then, but still had a frogish tint to him.  Radi rocked it! No blinking, no looking away, just stole first place on the toughness scale clear and easy.  Then Danja rocked it as well, and the nurse declared a tie.  Unfortunately, for the kids, after near 3 HOURS trying to get that errand done I wasn't about to take the littles in for ice cream.  So 3 weeks later I still owe them.  
    A week or two later when talking about Bone Marrow transplants Abe said, "Ricky better need one! Cuz I don't want to have given blood for nothing!"  I looked at him in disbelief, then asked, "Did that statement actually just come out of your mouth!?" And went on to explain that some thoughts need to stay in our heads. (Not that I am a shining example of that or anything)
    Fast forward to today.  Rick explained that the match would have to get something like 200 shots in order to donate bone marrow to Ricky.  Then he told me we ended up with 3 matches!  So I was announcing to the kids tonight who the matches were.  I first reminded Abe of his comment, then told him about the 200 shots.  The matches were Till, Hy and.....ABE!!! I told him Ricky had actually said he wanted to have Abe be a match. :) Abe was not thrilled.  He left right after the announcement to go to hang out with cousins, but called me shortly after saying he didn't feel well.  When I arrived to pick him up and take him home, he slowly walked out with that "I'm sick, pity me" look on his face.  So again, in my most kind way, I said, "So are you really sick? Or does the thought of 200 shots make you nervous so you feel sick?"  He looked at me and moaned, then proceeded to 'toss his cookies' in the grass.  Guess that answered my question!

Love this boy, and his froggish color! (No filter!!!!)

    Good news is, we have 3 matches!  We don't know yet if he'll need a transplant, but at least we know who to go to if he does.

1 comment:

  1. Three matches, that is good news, but it sounds like it will be better for Abe if he isn't needed on the account of the 200 shots ;-)
