Monday, April 2, 2012

Danja's Room!!!!!

So these are the original pictures of Danja's room. We changed some walls and stairs downstairs, so that resulted in this room being changed around. We had to change the direction of the door and the closet. I give credit to Rick for that idea. I wouldn't have figured that one out on my own.
Then along came Aunt Tonja and her sister Cari (and her daughters).... they came up with a master plan, and I got to try to make it happen. Here is the result of their scheming, my building, and two days of a joint effort to get it all put together. Danja loved it.

My mom is still working on the bedding, which is also really cute stuff. So I might have to update these eventually.

Love you Dani-girl.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! That Tonja and her interior decorating skills. ;)
